Three ways of teaching Philippians 2:1-11
"It's all about you, Jesus"
What Jesus wants: the deepest unity we can demonstrate (vv 1-4)
How Jesus came: the lowest place life could offer (5-8)
Where Jesus is: the highest position he could occupy (9-11)
Paul's little lists
Three gifts God provides (encouragement from Christ, fellowship with the Spirit, tenderness and compassion)
Three things we should do (abandon conceit, consider others better, look to others' interests)
Three steps Jesus took (made himself nothing, humbled himself, obeyed as far as death)
Three reasons he's the Lord (exalted by God, name above every name, worship of all creation)
Three great reasons for Christian unity
The life of Christ in humans (vv 1-4)
The love of Christ in history (5-8)
The Lordship of Christ in heaven (9-11)
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